Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 39 - 21st April 2008

35 miles to Shemeri rough camping in little cow paddock, village very friendly.

We met Geni, who acts as interpreter and related his experiences of 5 years in UK and final return to Albania as a failed asylum seeker.

Ride here fabulous, rugged mountains, hard work but very rewarding. Blue sky.

1 comment:

Ian and Sally said...

Regards to Simon, good to hear you have found a kindred spirit. Very exciting hearing about all these wonderful people and places. All relatives and friends at Kevin and Nicola's birthday bash very intrigued. One chap, David, had actually cycled across Iraq in the '70's, huge trucks heading to Pakistan on the highways are a major irritation and danger. Another, Bogdan, a Professor of Political Science, said you would be OK once you got to China!
Keep rolling. Ian and Sally