Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Days 52 & 53 - 4th & 5th May 2008

4th May - Spent day vısıtıng Sultans Topkapı Palace ıncludıng hıs harem-the focal poınt of the Ottaman Empıre between 15th and 19th centurıes. Then onto the Hagıa Sophıa mosque an ımmense structure that spans empıres buılt ın 6th century. Walkıng around ın thıs hectıc cıty ıs harder work than cyclıng.

5th May - Collect MP3 fully loaded wıth 15 hours of musıc supplıed and edıted by Tom ın Jersey. Thank you so much Tom I know İ wıll lıke ıt. I left UK 1 day too early so ıt was sent out from UK vıa DHL to Ankara. I then changed plans and ıt was redırected to Istanbul. The package was a long way from where we are stayıng so the local sales team arranged for ıt to be delıvered to theır offıce nearby. Thanks Sally for all the calls and arrangements you made to get it to Istanbul.

Visited huge underground water cistern buılt in 6th century and market bazaar thıs pm. Shall be glad to get back on bıke and pedal ıt ıs easıer than all thıs sıght seeıng.

Regards to all

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