Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Note from Roger

Prior to sending a report of my experience in Iran I would like to say how grateful I am for all the huge support and encouragement I have had from Family, Friends and numerous visitors to the Wellython website. The website had been created and maintained by Fiona to an amazing standard. It has secured my safe return from Iran by being a fantastic link to my Family, The British Consul (Fiona Sianaki) and the BMC Insurance Company (assistanceinternationaluk@fortis.com). Without this link and allied superb support I think I would have floundered in Iran after the accident with the Minibus.

The care, help and guidance I received in Iran was fantastic. The entire Family of Ali Safikani who took me from hospital after a week there were patient, warm and very caring. They tended to me in all respects for a week after my release from Hospital and helped to ensure my safe and complete return to the UK on the 16th June. I cannot speak too highly of the overall Iranian attitude, their whole concept is the well-being of their fellow man. They are warm, welcoming and helpful, this was the case in everyone I met. The Minibus driver, Sadeg Jahangirzadeh who was involved in my collision opened up his family to my care and his son Payman, an electronic engineer student became Ali Safikanis' right hand man and helper. I know I am a very lucky man and my good fortune has been encouraged by everyone around me, and to whom I am extremely grateful.



H&S said...

Really good to read that Roger. What an experience to be nursed and cared for by these wonderful, kind, warm and caring people of whom we in the west understand so little. As my parents said, you have been a great ambassador!
You sound a lot more cheerful and positive which I'm sure will contribute towards a quick and full recovery.
As you know, there are numerous people interested in your progress so keep up the diary!
Love Hilary and Selim x

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to see your return to the website Dad.. The accident was tragic and very unlucky, However, the story of humanity that followed is truly heart warming.. As I have said before we are so very thankful for the many good people who have helped you. We am now looking forward to following your new journey to recovery. Loads of love Ellie and a big hug from Holly and Jack :-)x

Bonny said...

Hi Roger

We have been thinking of you and hope that you are feeling better now.

Wish you all the best in your recovery and hope all goes well.

With love from

Bonny & John