Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 31 - 13th April 2008

24 miles today. It took me a while to find internet cafe [new photos now added, F] Dubrauka from the cafe is very nice and because it is quiet she has been able to help me!

It is now 5pm so I will stay here, Split, for the night. The weather today has been lovely. The first dayy when I have thought shorts would be feasilble, but my white bandy legs did not get exposed!

Strangely I have not been lonely. Each day is different, I never know where I will rest my head at the end of the day but it always turns out OK. Without my excellent tent and multi fuel stove it would be a different story. I have a feeling of independence that allows me not to worry.

The journey miles seem to tick away and cycling 60-70 miles feels a little like a normal days work. I suppose like anything else. I have slipped into a routine that seems normal.

People are generally very friendly and I get the impression that the miles I have now done have given me a little credability!

1 comment:

Ian and Sally said...

Good going Roger,
Definitely logging up a few credibility points now.
Although some of our friends are convinced you must live in East Ham - that's one stop before Barking on the London Underground!
( No, Sally did'nt get it either - it's a play on 'Barking Mad')
Much love,
Your bro',