Thursday, April 17, 2008

Days 33 & 34 - 15th & 16th April 2008

15th April - 64 miles to Dubrovnik. Very wet trip plus wet tent plus mosquito bites from rough camping in orchard in low lying field. Have found a room, with ugly, fat landlady but cheap!!!

16th April - 33 miles to Zelenica. Looked around Dubrovnik in the morning. Lovely interesting, majestic city that appears to have come through its recent troubled past well.

Have met up with Simon Cvencek from Slovenia who is cycling to China. We are camping tonight, and will cycle together for a while. Nice man, and speaks fluent English.

My rear tyre is badly worn and stripping it's tread, although it has gone 3400 miles to date with no punctures!!

I will get a new on in the morning.


H&S said...

Dear Roger
We leave tomorrow for New Zealand, via Hong Kong, which must have changed a lot since we lived there.
Flying, of course! As you know, I'm from Richmond at the end of the District Line, an awful lot of stops from Barking!!!
Seriously though, I think in some ways we all envy your determination and tenacity - "We're a long time dead" as the Yorkshire saying goes. What an acheivement you'll have made in your life! Keep it up, you're doing amazingly well - but I'll be in NZ afore ye!!!
Selim says if we fly over you, send smoke signals!!!
With love
Hilary and Selim

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad, Hope all is well and hope you've got plenty of cream for those bites! So yep, we're leaving tomorrow :) very excited. Glad I'm from Suffolk as that's a good distance away from Barking!! haha. Love you so much and we definately need some sort of signal when we fly over, that's if you're not already there when we get there! You are doing SOOOO well. Love you loads and loads xxxxx p.s. was really good to speak to you on your birthday xxxx Chessie

Jeremy (EVERSLEIANS) said...

Hello Roger,
Glad to see that you are continuing to make excellent progress. It is good to see that you also have a cycling companion for a while.
Best wishes,