I am sure you have been wondering why the blog hasn't been updated for a week. The first thing I need to say is that Roger is OK, however last Saturday (31st May), Roger was involved in an accident. He was apparently hit by a minibus, and suffered some head trauma.
I received an email from his Doctor in Tabriz, Iran, on Sunday 1st June, explaining what had happened, however at that point Roger didn't want anybody to know about his accident, as he didn't want people to worry!
Roger has been extremely well looked after by the staff at the Imam Reza Hospital, they have kept me informed by emails, they located his belongings and have been incredibly kind. I contacted the British Embassy in Tehran, and they have had a representative helping him also.
Below is an extract from an email received from Roger last week.
I have no recollection of my incident pm Sat 31 May. This to me is very sad ,cofusing and frustrating as everything was going brilliantly well following a good rough camp site on Fri 30 May. The camp site was ideal by a river and mountains, for the first time ever I had no signal on my phone so could not update you via text.
I was apparently hit by a mini bus, when approaching my target town of MYIANE, I have no memory, my head was opened up with flesh peeled away to the bone. I have been well repaired at hospital in Tabriz where I sit now using their computer. I feel sore and fragile in the back but reasonably confident that I will make a sensible recovery. As usual people here are very friendly and helpful, it helps that respect goes both ways. My overall journey is proving to be an informative, interesting and fullfilling experience in so many ways.
Tomorrow Fri 6 June, it is probable that the Tehran consul will turn up to help get me and my equipment to Tehran where I may receive a medical checkover.
I naturally would like to make a full recovery in all respects and achieve all my stated journey aims. At present I realise it is paramount that my bike (which i have not yet seen since the accident) is in perfect working order and that i am in the same medical state, at present I feel fragile and a little lacking in real positive drive. My patience and wisdom needs testing!
The latest news is that Roger was discharged from the hospital on Friday. He is now being looked after by an Iranian family (the family of the brother of the man who was driving the minibus!). Roger has decided that he will not be able to continue his journey for the moment, as he has agreed (finally) with the doctors that he needs a few months rest. So when he is fit to travel he will be returning to the UK. He has now also managed to collect his belongings, from the police station where they have been held since the accident, unfortunately his bike is very badly damaged.
I would like to thank Dr Payman Vahedi and Dr Hossein Ghasemi, who have kept me up to date with Roger's progressed, and who have cared for him so very well.
Below is a photo which Dr Payman Vahedi emailed to me!
Thanks for the update Fiona. Only heard about Dads accident last night (Sunday) so was very shocked and worried. I spoke to dad this morning and he sounded ok, Very gutted that he wasn't continuing his journey but he does need to rest and I'm pleased he's taken to doctors advice. I am so so proud of you Dad and what you've acheived. You're such a strong person, you'll be fighting fit again in no time. Really looking forward to seeing you when you get back to the UK. Love you so much, Chess x x x x x
To my Dad, my Hero.. We are so proud of you... You're a tough cookie and we know you're going to be just fine. Please keep us up to date on your road to recovery. Wish we could be there in the UK when you return..We are so thankfull for all the help and support you have recieved in Iran..Sounds like you have been in the hands of some very good people. I am so pleased I got to speak to you earlier..Thinking of you always. Heaps of Love Ellie Wayne Holly and Jack xxxx
I was so sorry to hear of your accident. People at the office who I have spoken to are very sad and disappointed for you. At least you have been in good hands.
The Blog has been really interesting and good fun to read.
Wishing you a full and quick recovery.
Stuart J
Roger. I don't know you but have found your challenge absolutely fantastic and your diary very interesting. What caught my interest is the fact that I live very close to Wellington (UK) and have recently visited Wellington (NZ). You might not have completed your epic journey, but you have completed best part of 4000 miles more than most of us would ever do in a lifetime. A truly remarkable achievement to which you should feel very proud. You have no doubt seen some wonderful sights of Europe and Asia and are still alive and kicking to talk about it. Take pride in your achievement. I have now lost one of favourite daily web sites, but to know you are safe and alive is far more important.
Hi Roger, We were shocked to hear of your acident and SO relieved that you're alright. We've really enjoyed reading your blog and now we're looking forward to seeing you back in Devon. Thanks to the people of Iran, it sounds like you've been very well looked after.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Lots of love, Helen, LĂ©von & Anton
Hi Roger,
We work with your daughter Chess in Harrogate and we have been reading your blog regularly. We were upset to hear what had happened to you in Iran but are all glad that your ok and are pleased that you are being well looked after. Your ride was very inspiring to us all and we know how proud Chess is of you.
We just wanted to send our best wishes and hope you have a speedy recovery.
All the best
Laura, Kimberley & Emma xxx
Hello Roger
I am so sad for you having to leave your adventure. You don't know me but I have been keeping up to date with your journey since reading about you on the BBC news website, plus I have friends who live in the Wellington (UK) area.
Congratulations to you on getting to Iran, to quote others you are an inspiration.
I will keep checking in to your blog over the next couple of months hoping to hear that you may resume your adventure.
Wishing you a very speedy recovery
Hi Roger. So sorry to hear of your accident and glad that you are OK and on the mend. Have enjoyed following your travels. It is a remarkable achievement to have travelled so far and what a fantastic experience.
Take care, Jenny (Norwich)
Roger, You are a Legend for what you have done. I am proud to know someone like you with what you have done. Cycling nearly 4000 miles is some Achievement. Get Well Soon!!! Roger Specials are not the same when your not there.
Dear Roger,
We feel so sad for you, but are also full of admiration for your tremendous achievement already. We have followed it every day with great interest and have been very moved by the friendship you have met with in every country. We feel so much more optimistic about the world and the future when we know there are such people. You have been a great ambassador for your country.
We wish you a complete and speedy recovery and hope to see you before too long. With much love, E & M.
Hope your recovery is progressing well Rog....4000 miles is still a long way in anybody's language, so you've probably earned a rest! If you're quick you'll still be able to get back to go on detached duty for AI! Your legendary status has been confirmed.
Cheers Andrew & Annmaree
Very sad to read of your accident.I have been following your amazing adventure since reading an artical about you in the paper.You should look back on what you have achieved and feel very proud indeed. Well done. Best wishes for a fast recovery.
Hi Roger
Shocked like everyone to hear of the accident.
Glad to know your alright, you and your journey are still an inspiratiion for us all. The pictures you've shared with us have shown how worthwhile is the challenge to see the world from a bike. I always thought you were indestuctable - now you've proved it! Best wishes Paul and all at Truro
And I was so looking forward to the next bit of your adventure! I am so sorry to hear of your accident and trust you have a speedy recovery. You have done amazingly well and deserve a good pat on the back. Ouch ! Sorry, alright a medal then!
Take care and best wishes
I am glad to hear that you are well and on the mend, I am really sorry to hear that you have had to cut your adventure short.......for the time being at least.
I have enjoyed following your blogs along the way and glad that you have enough stories to entertain the masses for the time being.
Congratulations Roger, Wellington to Iran - that's still one hell of an acheivment!
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